Prinzleve, Michael and Haasen, Christian and Zurhold, Heike and Matali, Josep Lluis and Bruguera, Eugeni and Gerevich, Jozsef and Bacskai, Erika and Ryder, Niamh and Butler, Shane and Manning, Victoria and Gossop, Michael and Pezous, Ann-Marie and Verster, Annette and Camposeragna, Antonella and Andersson, Pia and Olsson, B and Primorac, Andjela and Fischer, Gabriele and Guttinger, Franziska and Rehm, Jürgen and Krausz, Michael (2004) Cocaine use in Europe - a multi-centre study: patterns of use in different groups. European Addiction Research, 10, (4), pp. 147-155.
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The study investigates patterns of cocaine powder and crack cocaine use in different groups in nine European cities. A multi-centre cross-sectional study was conducted in Barcelona, Budapest, Dublin, Hamburg, London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, and Zurich. Data were collected by structured face-to-face interviews. The sample comprises 1,855 cocaine users out of three subgroups: 632 cocaine users in addiction treatment, mainly maintenance treatment; 615 socially marginalised cocaine users not in treatment; and 608 socially integrated cocaine users not in treatment. Measurements: Use of cocaine powder, crack cocaine and other substances in the last 30 days, routes of administration, and lifetime use of cocaine powder and crack cocaine. The marginalised group showed the highest intensity of cocaine use, of heroin use and of multiple substance use. Of the integrated group, 95 per cent snorted cocaine powder, while in the two other groups, injecting was quite prevalent, but with huge differences between the cities. Ninety-six per cent of all participants had used at least one other substance in addition to cocaine in the last 30 days. The use of cocaine powder and crack cocaine varies widely between different groups and between cities. Nonetheless, multiple substance use is the predominating pattern of cocaine use, and the different routes of administration have to be taken into account.
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