Home > A taste of Nordic freedom: the problematic marketing of nicotine pouches in the United Kingdom.

O'Hagan, Lauren Alex (2024) A taste of Nordic freedom: the problematic marketing of nicotine pouches in the United Kingdom. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Early Online, https://doi.org/10.1177/14550725241270227.

External website: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1455...

Aims: In the UK, nicotine pouches are growing in popularity, particularly among young people. This study investigated the Instagram marketing strategies of one leading brand, Nordic Spirit.


Methods: A total of 496 Instagram posts published by Nordic Spirit between 2019 and 2023 were collected and organised into themes using qualitative content analysis to identify recurring patterns. Then, multimodal critical discourse analysis was employed to explore the different linguistic and other semiotic resources at work in posts, their ideological patterns and how they work together to frame nicotine pouches as an essential product for young people. 


Results: The study identified four key messages that Nordic Spirit uses to target young people: (1) fun and freedom; (2) Nordic happiness; (3) fuss-free and discreet; and (4) healthy and scientifically rational. It found that posts are often misleading, underplay the dangers of nicotine and frame nicotine pouches as trendy lifestyle products rather than as smoking alternatives. 


Conclusion: The results underline the dangers of such marketing strategies in encouraging nicotine addiction and dependence. Consequently, the UK government and Advertising Standards Authority should do more to clamp down on these social media posts and introduce tighter regulations to protect young people and uphold their freedom from exploitation.

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