Home > EMCDDA-Europol launch webinar: EU drug markets – heroin and other opioids.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Europol. (2024) EMCDDA-Europol launch webinar: EU drug markets – heroin and other opioids. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

External website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkoK1CVerjY

Objective: This webinar provides an overview of the EU heroin market, from production and trafficking, to distribution and use. Attention will be given to the recent developments in Afghanistan and their possible repercussions on the EU drug market. Finally, key findings will be presented and recommendations for action at EU and Member State level will be provided.

Background: This webinar is dedicated to the heroin module of the EU Drug Markets: In-depth analysis, the fourth comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union from the EMCDDA and Europol.

- Andrew Cunningham, Head of sector, Markets, crime and supply reduction (EMCDDA)
- Teodora Groshkova, Principal scientific analyst (EMCDDA)
- Laurent Laniel, Principal scientific analyst (EMCDDA)
- Robert Patrancus, Scientific analyst (EMCDDA)
- Tiberiu Stoian, Operational analyst (Europol)

Chairperson: Andrew Cunningham, EMCDDA

Format: Opening remarks, panellists’ presentations, Q&A.

Speakers present:
- The state of play of the EU heroin market
- Trends in the production of heroin and other opioids
- Heroin trafficking to, and within, the EU
- Criminal networks’ involvement in the EU heroin market
- Key findings and recommendations

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