Home > You win some, you lose more. Online gambling and its impacts on those experiencing gambling harm.

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs. (2023) You win some, you lose more. Online gambling and its impacts on those experiencing gambling harm. Canbarra: Parliament of Australia.

PDF (You win some, you lose more) - Published Version

This inquiry considered whether the current regulatory framework for online gambling and gambling advertising in Australia is fit for purpose and meeting community expectations. The Committee received powerful evidence from people with lived experience of online gambling harm, and from academic and health experts, peak bodies, community organisations and concerned individuals about the harm online gambling is causing to everyday Australians, the people they love, and to their communities.


The Committee has made 31 recommendations that apply a public health lens to online gambling to reduce harm across the whole Australian population. We have recommended that a single Australian Government Minister be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive national strategy on online gambling harm reduction, supported by national regulation, an online gambling ombudsman, a harm reduction levy on online WSPs, and a public education campaign, more independent research, and improved data collection. We have also recommended a crackdown on illegal gambling operators, including online casinos, and skins and esports betting websites. A range of measures have been recommended to improve the availability and adequacy of the support and treatment available to those experiencing gambling harm, and to reduce stigma.


Under national regulation, the Australian Government would be responsible for all regulation and licencing of online gambling, although the states and territories would retain the capacity to levy point of consumption taxes on online gambling. The Committee has recommended stronger consumer protections for online gambling, including a requirement for WSPs to verify their customer’s identity before accepting bets from them, a ban on inducements, and a legislated duty of care on WSPs.

Item Type
Publication Type
International, Report
Drug Type
Behavioural addiction
Intervention Type
Harm reduction
28 June 2023
197 p.
Parliament of Australia
Corporate Creators
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
Place of Publication
ISBN 978-1-76092-518-5

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