Home > It’s like we’re the forgotten ... An exploration of the issues affecting older people in Ballyfermot who are experiencing problematic drug and alcohol use.

Deane, Audry (2021) It’s like we’re the forgotten ... An exploration of the issues affecting older people in Ballyfermot who are experiencing problematic drug and alcohol use. Dublin: Ballyfermot Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

PDF (It’s like we’re the forgotten) - Published Version

This report consulted community and statutory addiction service providers and substance users in the 40+ age group in Ballyfermot. Specific sub groups of substance users surfaced in the research. Stigma and isolation were considered by both service users and providers to be chronic challenges to be overcome. Data was analysed and differences in how service providers capture and use data were evident at local level. Barriers were identified with weak joint working practices and insufficient information on services and referral practices signalled as challenges, amongst other themes.


Key issues emerged as needing attention:


  • Strengthen joint working protocols and collaboration to improve outcomes for the cohort
  • Provide training on bias, awareness raising/ education/ information on what service provision to ensure that both statutory and community based providers understood each other’s services, approach, ethos, referral and services
  • Provide a safe, social, stigma free space for 40+ group who experience problematic substance use

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