Home > NPS discovery dashboard [United States].

Center for Forensic Science Research and Education. (2024) NPS discovery dashboard [United States].

External website: https://www.npsdiscovery.org/reports/dashboard/

The CFSRE’s interactive NPS Discovery dashboard is a tool that allows for customized generation of NPS results based on analyte, class, and demographics. This tool has been created to assist practitioners, researchers, public health officials and other notable stakeholders who are searching for real-time and actionable data. The below interface allows the user to monitor NPS emergence, track NPS proliferation, and much more.

The data in this dashboard are derived from the analysis of de-identified biological sample extracts from forensic investigations received at NMS Labs. This includes casework from medicolegal death investigations and human performance toxicology testing. At the CFSRE, the de-identified extracts were analyzed using comprehensive high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) workflows for the non-targeted detection of NPS (for more information about our workflows, check out our recent presentations at AAFS and ASMS), as well as traditional drugs of abuse, therapeutic drugs, and cutting agents. In total, these workflows contain more than 700 analytes and are generally updated on a weekly to monthly basis based on the discovery of new NPS in the United States and information from other NPS intelligence sources.

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