Home > Voices of the silenced and the ignored - an analysis by the Service Users Rights in Action Group.

Service User Rights in Action (SURIA). (2019) Voices of the silenced and the ignored - an analysis by the Service Users Rights in Action Group. In: Does it only happen to me? Living in the shadows of socio-economic discrimination. Dublin: ATD Ireland.

PDF (Does it only happen to me)

External website: http://17october.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/SES...

SURIA were approached in 2019 with a request by ATD (Altogether Dignity) Ireland to take part in their Report "Does it Only Happen to Me?". This Report was part of a broader international campaign to reform equality legislation to include socio-economic deprivation as the tenth ground of discrimination. As a result, we held two groups with Public Service users, predicated upon service user rights and The Public Sector Duty Act. The chapter was wiritten by Richard Healy with input from SURIA members and published in September 2019.

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