Home > Over 3,500 on wait list for a detox bed, with over 140 residential beds still closed.

[thejournal.ie] , Delaney, Maria Over 3,500 on wait list for a detox bed, with over 140 residential beds still closed. (28 Apr 2021)

External website: https://www.thejournal.ie/detox-bed-waiting-list-5...

Over 3,500 people were waiting for a drug or alcohol detox bed in Ireland, as of February 2021, with over 2,200 on the waiting list for at least nine months.

Between December 2019 and June 2020, 170 residential beds were closed. A number of these had reopened by November last year but 143 remained closed around the country, according to HSE data released to Noteworthy. ....

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