Jennings, Philip (2015) Melting the iceberg of fear: a collective response to anti-social behaviour, drugs misuse, criminal activity and drug debt intimidation. Dublin: Safer Blanchardstown.
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The first edition of this report focused on the issue of Drug Debt Intimidation and how it developed along a continuum of behaviour. The analogy of the Iceberg was used to visually represent this continuum of behaviour from lower, middle to higher order. However, having considered the Iceberg analogy further and having discussed and presented at a range of different fora and seminars, the analogy has been re-worked and is now better understood as an inclusive model for the development of collective interventions to address a range of behaviours within a local community or wider society. More evidence has been included in the revised edition to strengthen conclusions and inform recommendations
In this revised edition it is argued that the Iceberg Model can be used to identify particular behaviours, link those behaviours to specific causal factors along a continuum and develop and design a range of interventions to undermine, reduce or dispel such behaviours.
Behaviours which the Iceberg Model may be used to identify and disrupt are: Low School Attendance, Low Educational Attainment, Early School Leaving, Anti-social Behaviour, Drug and Alcohol misuse, Drug Debt Intimidation, Drug Related Crime and Crime in general. All of which are linked causal factors/indicators of increasingly serious criminal behaviour.
The undermining or reduction of the above behaviours by even a small amount will yield increasing gains going forward for all partners and wider Irish society. Finally, the development and delivery of suggested interventions and recommendations contained within this report can be achieved cost effectively at a local level, deliver substantial cost savings to the state while at the same time greatly improving the quality of life for all citizens.
L Social psychology and related concepts > Life circumstances > Financial (money) difficulties / debt
MM-MO Crime and law > Crime > Substance related crime > Crime associated with substance production and distribution
MM-MO Crime and law > Public order offence / social code crime
MM-MO Crime and law > Crime and violence > Crime against persons (assault / abuse)
MM-MO Crime and law > Crime and violence > Crime against persons (assault / abuse) > Intimidation
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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