Home > Houses of the Oireachtas; Joint Committee on Education and Skills. First report. Staying in education: a new way forward. School and out-of-school factors protecting against early school leaving.

Houses of the Oireachtas. Joint Committee on Education and Science. (2010) Houses of the Oireachtas; Joint Committee on Education and Skills. First report. Staying in education: a new way forward. School and out-of-school factors protecting against early school leaving. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas.

PDF (Oireactas Education Committee: early school leaving) - Published Version

The ‘one size fits all’ instruction and assessment approach in Ireland’s current school system is fundamentally wrong, does not facilitate many young people to grow or demonstrate and realize their full range of talents and skills and is a major contributory factor in early school leaving, particularly among boys, according to this report by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Science.

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