Kidd, Martina (2004) Data co-ordination overview of drug misuse 2003. Kilkenny: South Eastern Health Board.
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This report outlines the alcohol and drug related data collected during 2003 in the South Eastern Health Board (SEHB). In the SEHB area 2,345 clients sought treatment during 2003, an increase of 249 from the previous year. Of these, 53% had never been previously treated, with 22% self-referred, 21& referred by a court or probation service and 10% by family. 74% of those seeking treatment were males, which has remained almost constant in comparison with data from 2000-2002. The majority (31%) were aged 20-29; with 18% aged 10-19 years and 21% aged 30-39 years. The overwhelming majority of those seeking treatment (94%) were in stable accommodation. 40% of clients were unemployed, 37% were employed with the remainder in training, education, retired or married. As with previous years the majority of clients (73%) had reached second level education before leaving full time education. Alcohol remains the drug that most people report for treatment (67%), with cannabis the second most likely (20%), with 6% reporting for heroin use, 3% for MDMA ('ecstasy') and 25 and 1% for cocaine and benzodiazepines respectively. Data shows that the first age of use for alcohol, heroin and MDMA is highest between the ages of 15 and 19 years, yet is between the ages of 10 and 14 for cannabis.
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health services, substance use research
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Carlow
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Wicklow
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Tipperary
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Kilkenny
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Treatment and maintenance > Treatment factors
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Wexford
A Substance use and dependence > Prevalence
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