Murphy, Phyllis (1997) Report on early school leaving provision and progression: experiences within the Northside Partnership Area. Dublin: Northside Partnership.
A project team consisting of the directors of the Youthreach, Community Training Workshop and Youthstart centres and the Partnership Education Co-ordinator have been engaged in examining the level of educational disadvantage within the Northside area and the difficulties facing young early school leavers, particularly in terms of employment access. This report aims to profile the main provision for early school leavers in the Northside Partnership area. It also aims to provide an insight into the experiences of young people leaving such provision and their views on developments that are needed, and to make recommendations for appropriate future developments. This research was undertaken by reviewing the literature regarding school leaving to place the Northside area in a broader, national context. Local programmes were reviewed and directors and staff of these programmes were interviewed. Participants of these programmes were also interviewed.
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