Working Party on Drug Abuse. (1971) Report of the Working Party on Drug Abuse. Dublin: Stationery Office.
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The Working Party on Drug Abuse was established by the Minister for Health in December 1968 with the following terms of reference:
To examine the extent of drug abuse in Ireland at present;
• to advise the Minister on the steps which might be taken to deal with the problem, including measures to discourage young persons from starting the use of drugs (e.g. publicity, education, example, etc.);
• to advise on the action to be taken to assist in the rehabilitation of persons who have acquired the drug habit.
The Group's first meeting was held on 14th January 1969 and an interim report was submitted to the Minister for Health on 2nd September 1969. The Working Group presents its findings under the following headings:
• Extent of drug abuse in Ireland;
• Prevention of illicit supply of Drugs;
• Study and research in relation to drug abuse;
• Prescribing, administering and supplying by doctors of drugs liable to abuse;
• The Drug taking sub-culture;
• Education; Treatment; and Rehabilitation.
Specific recommendations are made under each of these headings with particular emphasis on the need to provide information and advice in the are for both young people and parents.
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Risk and protective factors > Risk factors
MP-MR Policy, planning, economics, work and social services > Policy > Policy on substance use
N Communication, information and education > Recommendations
P Demography, epidemiology, and history > Substance use historical evolution
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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