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Bissett, Fran (1997) Ecstasy and young people. Dublin: National Youth Council of Ireland & Health Promotion Unit, Department of Health.

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The research on which this report is based was undertaken by the Irish Youth Work Centre, with the support of the Health Promotion Unit of the Department of Health and the National Youth Federation. The study aimed to provide clear, reliable and understandable information on various aspects of the drug ecstasy - why it has become such a part of youth subculture, its effects, the statistics, the legal position, response strategies, and resources and services. The research was undertaken in response to a perceived increase in the availability of the drug in Ireland, a perception based on a reported increase in the number of seizures and a reduction in the cost of the drug on the streets. The report noted that 1995 was the first year in which the Gardaí reported drug-related prosecutions on a drug-by-drug basis, and ecstasy-related prosecutions accounted for 17% of drug-related prosecutions in that year. The number of ecstasy-related deaths was also perceived to be increasing, although it was difficult to assess these numbers accurately.

The report recommends that if a drug-related death occurred, the contribution of ecstasy should be officially recorded. In terms of responses to the problem, the report highlights the importance of including ecstasy in national educational and information awareness programmes, and the importance of emphasising harm reduction- education measures, taking international experiences of the drug into account. The report also recommends that the Department of Health evaluate existing treatment and service provision for ecstasy users.

Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, Report
Drug Type
CNS stimulants
Intervention Type
Harm reduction
Call No
BJ2.8, TE14, VH4.2
53 p.
National Youth Council of Ireland & Health Promotion Unit, Department of Health
Place of Publication
1 900416 01 8
from annotated bibliography
Accession Number
HRB 447 (Available)

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