Jackson, Sarah E and Jarvis, Martin J and West, Robert (2024) Editorial. The price of a cigarette: 20 minutes of life? Addiction, Early online, https://doi.org/10.1111/add.16757.
External website: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/add.16...
Most smokers realise that smoking could shorten their life but not the impact of each cigarette they smoke. Britain has some of the best data available worldwide to estimate the average loss of life per cigarette smoked, which is approximately 20 minutes: 17 for men and 22 for women...
B Substances > Tobacco (cigarette smoking)
G Health and disease > State of health
P Demography, epidemiology, and history > Population dynamics > Substance related mortality / death
T Demographic characteristics > Woman (women / female)
T Demographic characteristics > Man (men / male)
VA Geographic area > International
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