Northern Ireland. Department of Health. (2024) Health and social care NI: a three year plan to: stabilise reform deliver. Belfast: Department of Health.
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P.16 As part of the new Integrated Care System for planning healthcare in line with the needs of our population, new Area Integrated Partnerships are being established across each of our five Trust geographies. These place-based partnerships bring representatives from across Health and Social Care together with the Voluntary and Community Sector, Local Government and service users and carers to bring an increased focus on prevention, early intervention and community health and wellbeing. A key component of this work is the link into the existing Community Planning infrastructure and the opportunity to take an asset-based approach to improving our populations health and wellbeing. Rollout of the partnerships has commenced and is expected to complete in Spring 2025. There is much work to take forward under this agenda, but by way of example key issues will be:
Tobacco control: The evidence is unequivocal that smoking tobacco causes disease and it kills people prematurely, as well as driving health inequalities - the costs to hospitals alone of treating smoking attributable conditions are over £200 million annually and the total cost to NI society is estimated to be double this. We will explore mechanisms to further reduce exposure to second hand smoke and target services to further reduce smoking related health inequalities. We will also work with the UK Government and other devolved administrations to crack down on youth vaping and progress the smoke free generation proposals which aim to preventing the uptake of smoking and support our vision of a tobacco free society.
There are also programmes of work ongoing to tackle alcohol and substance use in our population, another major driver of poor health outcomes and health inequalities. In addition, there are programmes focussed on optimising the health benefits of medicines for our population and ensuring their safe, cost effective and sustainable use within the HSC.
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