Home > What wastewater samples tell us about cocaine use in Co Kildare.

McDermott, Sean and Behan, Patrice and McNamee, Ciara (2024) What wastewater samples tell us about cocaine use in Co Kildare. Brainstorm,

External website: https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2024/0813/1464723-co...

Analysis: preliminary analysis puts the average daily consumption of the drug to be in the order of 100 milligrams per 1,000 people per day.

Since 2011, a Europe-wide group SCORE has been analysing wastewater to estimate drug consumption within Europe. This project looks at results from 88 cities around Europe, which have applied a standardised approach to collate data on the consumption of drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine and cannabis. As of now, Ireland does not contribute data to this project

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