Potter, Lucy C and Stone, Tracey and Swede, Julie and Connell, Florrie and Cramer, Helen and McGeown, Helen and Carvalho, Maria and Horwood, Jeremy and Feder, Gene and Farr, Michelle and Gaps, Bridging (2024) Improving access to general practice for and with people with severe and multiple disadvantage: a qualitative study. The British Journal of General Practice, 74, (742), e330-e338. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp.2023.0244.
External website: https://bjgp.org/content/early/2024/04/03/BJGP.202...
BACKGROUND People with severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD) who experience combinations of homelessness, substance misuse, violence, abuse, and poor mental health have high health needs and poor access to primary care.
AIM To improve access to general practice for people with SMD by facilitating collaborative service improvement meetings between healthcare staff, people with lived experience of SMD, and those who support them; participants were then interviewed about this work.
DESIGN AND SETTING The Bridging Gaps group is a collaboration between healthcare staff, researchers, women with lived experience of SMD, and a charity that supports them in a UK city. A project was co-produced by the Bridging Gaps group to improve access to general practice for people with SMD, which was further developed with three inner-city general practices.
METHOD Nine service improvement meetings were facilitated at three general practices, and six of these were formally observed. Nine practice staff and four women with lived experience of SMD were interviewed. Three women with lived experience of SMD and one staff member who supports them participated in a focus group. Data were analysed inductively and deductively using thematic analysis.
RESULTS By providing time and funding opportunities to motivated general practice staff and involving participants with lived experience of SMD, service changes were made in an effort to improve access for people with SMD. These included prioritising patients on an inclusion patient list with more flexible access, providing continuity for patients via a care coordinator and micro-team of clinicians, and developing an information-sharing document. The process and outcomes improved connections within and between general practices, support organisations, and people with SMD.
CONCLUSION The co-designed strategies described in this study could be adapted locally and evaluated in other areas. Investing in this focused way of working may improve accessibility to health care, health equity, and staff wellbeing.
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health care delivery
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Social condition > Homelessness
T Demographic characteristics > Person who uses substances (user / experience)
T Demographic characteristics > Doctor / physician
T Demographic characteristics > Homeless person
VA Geographic area > Europe > United Kingdom
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