Hopfgartner, Niklas and Auer, Michael and Helic, Denis and Griffiths, Mark D (2023) The efficacy of voluntary self-exclusions in reducing gambling among a real-world sample of British online casino players. Journal of Gambling Studies, 39, (4), pp. 1833-1848. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10899-023-10198-y.
External website: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10899-0...
Online gambling is a socially acceptable means of entertainment, but it can also have a negative impact on many areas of life and lead to problem gambling for a minority of individuals. In recent years, gambling operators have increasingly implemented responsible gambling tools to help at-risk gamblers control and limit their gambling. One such tool is voluntary self-exclusion (VSE), where gamblers can exclude themselves from the gambling platform for a self-selected period of time. Despite the widespread use of VSE, there are few published studies on the efficacy of VSE among online gamblers and none on whether (and what type of) gamblers return to gambling after self-exclusion and how VSE affects their wagering if they return. Using a secondary dataset, the present study empirically analyzed a real-world sample of 3,203 British online casino players who opted for a VSE between January 2021 and August 2022. Analysis showed that most players who took a short-term VSE (up to 38 days) started gambling again on the platform after their self-exclusion ended, while players who opted for long-term self-exclusion (more than 90 days) did not start gambling again on the platform. A return to the gambling platform after VSE was positively associated with (i) a shorter duration of the self-exclusion, (ii) being female, (iii) gambling on more days, (iv) placing more bets, (v) playing fewer type of games, and (vi) having a lower average number of deposits per day. Players who returned from VSE did not change their wagering compared to a matched control group. These results suggest that short-term VSE may not be as effective as long-term VSE in reducing gambling. Overall, the present findings suggest that gamblers returning from VSE should be closely monitored, especially if the reason for self-exclusion is related to problem gambling.
F Concepts in psychology > Process / behavioural disorder (addiction) > Process disorder prevention or harm reduction
F Concepts in psychology > Process / behavioural disorder (addiction) > Process disorder industry or business
N Communication, information and education > Communication > Online communication / social media > Internet / online
VA Geographic area > Europe > United Kingdom
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