[Department of Health] Minister Naughton announces the reconstitution of the North Inner-City Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (28 Sep 2023)
External website: https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/456f2-minister...
Minister of State for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, Hildegarde Naughton, has today announced the reconstitution of the North Inner-City Drug and Alcohol Task Force. The task force had ceased to function in late 2021, following an impasse in the appointment of an independent chairperson. The decision to reconstitute the task force follows a consultation process with former members of the task force and other stakeholders.
The reconstitution of the taskforce includes the following steps:
- the Health Service Executive (HSE) National Recruitment Service will commence a recruitment process to appoint an independent chairperson of the task force this week. It is expected that a person will be in post by mid-November
- the task force will be composed of 19 members, including six statutory members, four community members, two people with lived experience, two local councillors, two people representing voluntary services providers and two people from the local business sector
- the HSE will appoint a new coordinator to the task force who will support the task force to identify emerging needs, prioritise responses and monitor the effectiveness of funded projects; they will manage the day-to-day activities of the task force, including the provision of project and financial information to funders and other stakeholders
- a new facilitator will also be appointed to support the process of re-constituting the task force. The facilitator will work with all stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of the remit of the task force, to rebuild trust and to improve communications
- the HSE will provide a new, publicly accessible premises to accommodate the task force, located at Soilse building, Henrietta Place, Dublin 1
- the task force will develop a strategic plan for the provision of drug and alcohol services in the north inner city, in conjunction with local service providers and other local initiatives
Minister Naughton said:
"I have re-constituted the North Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force to ensure that community-based drug and alcohol services are delivered in an effective and inclusive way. Some €2.25 million in public funding is provided for services, and Government is committed to ensuring that the re-constituted task force with strong leadership and expertise help and oversee delivery of those services to those most in need.
"Central to this is a transparent selection process for the appointment of an independent chairperson who will bring experience, commitment, skill and energy to the role. I have asked the HSE national recruitment service to lead this selection process, in accordance with the code of practice for appointment to positions in the civil and public service. Anyone who is interested in the post can apply under this process.
"I urge everyone to support the reconstituted task force and to work together to better the lives of people and families impacted by drugs and alcohol in the north inner city. The composition of the task force reflects the inter-agency partnership at the core of the national drugs strategy, with strong representation from the local community, including people with lived experience, voluntary services, local councillors and the business sector."
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