Home > Alcohol marketing in Ireland: Monitoring the Public Health (Alcohol) Act briefing paper one: first follow-up survey and the impact of COVID-19.

Critchlow, Nathan and Moodie, Crawford (2021) Alcohol marketing in Ireland: Monitoring the Public Health (Alcohol) Act briefing paper one: first follow-up survey and the impact of COVID-19. Stirling: University of Stirling and Society for the Study of Addiction.

PDF (Alcohol marketing in Ireland: first follow-up survey)

Through the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018, Ireland is introducing new controls on alcohol marketing. Implementation began in November 2019 with restrictions on alcohol advertising on public transport, advertising around youth-orientated environments (e.g., outdoor near schools), children’s clothing that promotes alcohol (e.g., branded sport shirts), and advertising at the cinema (unless the film is 18+ or the advertising forms part of licensed premises in the cinema). Further controls will become mandatory in November 2021, including restrictions on some advertising during sporting events (i.e., in or on the playing area) and sponsorship of events either aimed at (or involving) children or involving driving. Other controls, including time limits on television or radio advertising (‘watersheds’) or restricting alcohol adverts to only factual information, are yet to be assigned commencement dates...

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