Home > Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) — National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland.

Central Statistics Office. (2021) Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) — National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland.

External website: https://www.growingup.gov.ie/information-for-resea...

Growing Up in Ireland is the national longitudinal study of children and youth in Ireland.  It started in 2006 and follows two cohorts of children aged 9 years (child cohort) and 9 months (infant cohort). It is the most significant survey of its kind ever to take place in this country, and will help us to improve our understanding of children and their development. The main aim of the study is to paint a full picture of children in Ireland and how they are developing in the current social, economic and cultural environment. This information will be used to assist in policy formation and in the provision of services which will ensure all children have the best possible start in life.

Data collection for the Infant Cohort started in 2008 with over 11,000 9-month-olds and their families.  Follow-up waves were completed when the child was aged 3 years, 5 years and 7/8 years (postal).  Depending on the particular wave, information has been collected from parents, carers, non-resident parents, teachers and principals.

[See also, Growing up in Ireland published reports]

Growing Up in Ireland datasets are made available to researchers on a confidential and anonymised basis through the Irish Social Sciences Data Archive. These files are known as Anonymised Microdata Files (AMFs).

Example, data available through Irish Social Science Data Archive, ISSDA application process:

  1. Study number (SN): 0019-01 (Wave 1) Growing up In Ireland Infant Cohort Wave 1
  2. Study number (SN): 0019-02 (Wave 2) Growing up In Ireland Infant Cohort Wave 2
  3. Study number (SN): 0019-03 (Wave 3) Growing up In Ireland Infant Cohort Wave 3
  4. Study number (SN): 0019-04 (Wave 4) Growing up In Ireland Infant Cohort Wave 4
  5. Study number (SN): 0019-05 (Wave 5) Growing up In Ireland Infant Cohort Wave 5

Qualitative Data
Circa 120 qualitative interviews supplemented the main survey data collection at the first waves of the Child and Infant Cohorts (ages 9 years and 9 months respectively).  Anonymised versions of these qualitative datasets are available through the Irish Qualitative Data Archive at the University of Maynooth.

Main topics
Emotional Development/ Child Behaviour

  • Family life
  • Life styles
  • Play/ Leisure time activities
  • Emotional development
  • Family environment
  • Parental role
  • Parental participation


  • Pregnancy/ Antenatal care
  • Childbirth
  • Medical care
  • Diet and nutrition/ Breast-feeding
  • Physical activities/ Exercise
  • Physiological development
  • Anthropometric data

Education/ Cognitive processes

  • Mental development
  • Child day care
  • Educational environment
  • Teacher-student relationship

Item Type
Publication Type
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
Screening / Assessment
CSO and Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Corporate Creators
Central Statistics Office

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