Home > Alcohol: pregnancy and FASD.

Alcohol Action Ireland. (2022) Alcohol: pregnancy and FASD. Alcohol Facts,

External website: https://alcoholireland.ie/facts/alcohol-and-pregna...

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a life long irreversible neurodevelopmental condition caused by alcohol exposure in utero. It is associated with lifelong physical, mental, educational, social, and behavioural difficulties, and is the leading preventable cause of neurodevelopment disorder. That’s why there is no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and no period of pregnancy has been shown to be immune to the effects of alcohol on the unborn child. 

Ireland is estimated to have the third highest prevalence of (FASD) and the more severe foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in the world. According to Irish expert Dr Mary O’Mahony, this means that an estimated 600 Irish babies are born each year with FAS, and more than 40,000 Irish people live with the condition. FASD is more common than FAS. For every case of FAS there are at least 10 cases of FASD...

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