Home > Ending the silence around problem alcohol use in the home. Awareness raising toolkit for issues faced by growing up with problem alcohol use in the home.

Alcohol Action Ireland. (2022) Ending the silence around problem alcohol use in the home. Awareness raising toolkit for issues faced by growing up with problem alcohol use in the home. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.

PDF (Ending the silence around problem alcohol use in the home)

At least 200,000 children in Ireland are currently living with the trauma of parental problem alcohol use and a further 400,000 adults are living with its legacy, sometimes experiencing lasting difficulties with emotional, mental and physical health. Yet despite these large numbers this Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) remains a deeply hidden aspect of Ireland’s relationship with alcohol. There are many reasons for this including family dynamics, shame and the wider societal conflict between our image of Ireland as a country which identifies strongly with drinking yet knows there is a huge price to pay for our alcohol use. This toolkit is an awareness raising resource for anyone who works with children, families and adults who have who have experienced this trauma.

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