Stein, Maria and Soravia, Leila M and Tschuemperlin, Raphaela M and Batschelet, Hallie M and Jaeger, Joshua and Roesner, Susanne and Keller, Anne and Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin and Wiers, Reinout W and Moggi, Franz (2023) Alcohol-specific inhibition training in patients with alcohol use disorder: a multi-centre, double-blind randomized clinical trial examining drinking outcome and working mechanisms. Addiction, 118, (4), pp. 646-657. doi: 10.1111/add.16104.
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AIMS: For the first time, to our knowledge, in a clinical sample with alcohol use disorder (AUD), this study compared the effects of two versions of alcohol-specific inhibition training (Alc-IT) on drinking outcomes and on experimental parameters assessing two possible working mechanisms: stimulus devaluation and inhibitory enhancement.
DESIGN: Multi-centre, double-blind, three-arm clinical RCT with 3-, 6- and 12-month follow-up comparing standard Alc-IT, improved Alc-IT and an active control condition. Setting was three specialized AUD treatment centres in Switzerland with a total of 242 detoxified, recently abstinent patients with severe AUD (18-60 years; 29.8% female).
INTERVENTION AND COMPARATOR: Both interventions [standard Alc-IT (n = 84) and improved Alc-IT (n = 79)] and the comparator [unspecific inhibition training (n = 79)] consisted of six sessions of a modified inhibitory task (Go/NoGo task) with alcohol-related and neutral stimuli. Both versions of Alc-IT required response inhibition in alcohol-related trials but differed in Go/NoGo ratios (standard: 50/50; improved: 75/25), with improved Alc-IT posing higher inhibitory demands. The control condition, an unspecific inhibition training, featured alcohol-related pictures in Go as well as NoGo trials.
MEASUREMENTS: The primary outcome, percentage of days abstinent, was assessed at 3-month follow-up with a time-line follow-back interview.
FINDINGS: The group receiving improved Alc-IT showed a significantly higher percentage of days abstinent at 3-month follow-up compared with the control group, while for standard Alc-IT no effect significantly different from zero was detected.
CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol-specific inhibition training with high inhibitory demands increased days abstinent at 3-month follow-up in patients with severe alcohol use disorder. Such an improved, inhibitory-demanding, alcohol-specific inhibition training outperformed the standard version of alcohol-specific inhibition training, suggesting an inhibitory working mechanism.
F Concepts in psychology > Motivation
G Health and disease > Substance use disorder (addiction) > Alcohol use disorder
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Treatment outcome
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Treatment and maintenance > Treatment factors
VA Geographic area > Europe > Switzerland
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