HSE drugs.ie. (2021) Synthetic cannabinoids.
External website: https://www.drugs.ie/drugtypes/drug/headshop_drugs...
Synthetic cannabinoids are a growing family of man-made chemicals that mimic the effects of THC, the main psychoactive constituent in cannabis. Like THC, they bind to the same receptors in the body. These products do not contain cannabis but are intended to produce similar, more potent effects. However, they should not be confused with cannabis.
Synthetic cannabinoids are known to be highly potent which increases the risks for people who use. Limited information is available about how these substances work and their toxic effects in humans. However, their use has caused many serious poisonings and even deaths internationally. There have also been outbreaks of mass poisonings due to their use.
Most synthetic cannabinoids are commonly produced in the Far East and exported, usually in powder form. Synthetic cannabinoids became well known when they were legally sold in Head Shops and online with people seeing them as a cheaper option. Their legal status may have caused confusion regarding their safety. Following legislative changes in 2010, these substances are no longer available in shops in Ireland. They then began appearing on the Irish and EU drug market.
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