Home > The Drug Science podcast #69. amphetamine, heroin and cocaine with Prof Aldo Badiani.

Nutt, David (2022) The Drug Science podcast #69. amphetamine, heroin and cocaine with Prof Aldo Badiani. London: Drug Science.

External website: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/69-amphetami...

In each episode, Prof. David Nutt is joined by world-renowned experts to discuss research, harm reduction, drug policy, and the science behind drugs. This week’s episode features Professor Aldo Badiani who is Professor of Pharmacology at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). [46 minutes]

Item Type
Publication Type
International, Audio / Visual
Drug Type
CNS stimulants, Cocaine, Opioid
3 August 2022
Drug Science
Place of Publication

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