Home > Vaping cannabinoid acetates leads to ketene formation.

Munger, Kaelas R and Jensen, Robert P and Strongin, Robert M (2022) Vaping cannabinoid acetates leads to ketene formation. Chemical Research in Toxicology, (Working paper), 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-v379b-v2.

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Δ-THC acetate is a relatively new psychoactive cannabis product that is available online and in vape shops across the United States since it is currently largely unregulated. Because it contains a similar substructure to vitamin E acetate, which has been shown to form the poison gas ketene during vaping, we investigated potential ketene formation from Δ-THC acetate, as well as two other cannabinoids acetates, CBN acetate and CBD acetate, under vaping conditions. Ketene was consistently observed in vaped condensates from all three cannabinoid acetates as well as from a commercial Δ-THC acetate product purchased online.

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