Home > UISCE’s strategy to build inclusion & participation of people who use drugs 2022 – 2025.

UISCE. (2022) UISCE’s strategy to build inclusion & participation of people who use drugs 2022 – 2025. Dublin: UISCE.

PDF (Strategy to build inclusion & participation of people who use drugs 2022 – 202) - Published Version

UISCE’s strategic goals:

Goal 1: To continue to strengthen engagement with PWUD and relevant organisations locally, regionally and nationally.

Goal 2: To build a resilient organisation which promotes and develops a high level of participation, inclusion, and meaningful engagement with PWUD.

Goal 3: To enhance and further develop our communications to challenge discrimination and stigmatisation and to foster a greater understanding of the rights of PWUD.

Goal 4: To maintain and further develop strong relationships with relevant services to ensure effective collaboration that seeks to address the inequalities experience by PWUD.

Goal 5: Promote a health led approach in partnership with PWUD and relevant stakeholders.

Goal 6: To continue to work with PWUD to promote and support the decriminalisation of drug use and the people who use them.

Goal 7: To develop the organisation of UISCE to ensure that the systems, policies and structures in place are effective and capable of delivering on this Strategic Plan.

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