Home > Safer gambling and consumer protection failings amongst 40 frequently visited cryptocurrency-based online gambling operators.

Andrade, Maira and Sharman, Steve and Xiao, Leon Y and Newall, Philip W S (2022) Safer gambling and consumer protection failings amongst 40 frequently visited cryptocurrency-based online gambling operators. PsyArXiv, https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fgxrb.

External website: https://psyarxiv.com/fgxrb

The present research investigates consumer protection features of 40 frequently visited cryptocurrency-based online gambling operators. Overall, 22 operators allowed access from the UK, whilst 18 operators could only be accessed via a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Results revealed significant failings in the account registration process, as none of the operators verified the identity of new users, and 35 percent of operators required only an email or no information at all for signup. Overall, 37.5 percent of operators offered no safer gambling tools and a further 20 percent offered only one. Twenty-two out of 34 operators continued to email promotional material after being informed of a user’s impaired control when gambling. Less than half of the analysed operators held a valid licence, and none of the operators with an available deposit page required identity verification before enabling deposits. These results highlight the need for greater policy and research attention towards cryptocurrency-based online gambling.

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