Home > South east regional drug and alcohol task force. Challenge and change: tackling substance misuse in the south east region. Reducing substance misuse strategy 2020-2023.

South East Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2020) South east regional drug and alcohol task force. Challenge and change: tackling substance misuse in the south east region. Reducing substance misuse strategy 2020-2023. Waterford: South East Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

PDF (Reducing substance misuse strategy 2020-2023.) - Published Version

The Strategy builds on a Situational Analysis of Substance Misuse in the South East conducted by Waterford Institute of Technology in 2019 which undertook consultations with service providers, users of services, their families and friends and public consultation with the wider community. It is an organic working document and as such will be open to ongoing learning and development over the three-year period.

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