HSE National Women and Infants Health Programme. (2021) HSE National Women and Infants Health Programme annual report 2020. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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While the Covid-19 pandemic presented a unique set of challenges for maternity services, a significant amount of progress was made in 2020 in relation to the on-going implementation of the NMS and across the wide range of work programmes that the NWIHP is driving and leading on. The key developments outlined in this report, such as; the on-going development and strengthening of the six Maternity Networks, the significant inroads being made across all services regarding the development of the midwifery provided supported care pathway, the expansion of services available to women accessing maternity service including anomaly scanning services, development and rollout of ambulatory gynaecology plan, perinatal mental health services, smoking cessation services, bereavement services, the focus and development of pathways of care for infertility the roll out and delivery of termination of pregnancy services, the investment in screening colposcopy services, the strengthening of sexual assault and treatment units, the focus on quality and patient safety agendas by multiple key agencies and players at all levels of the service – all mark real progress in improving the provision of care to women.
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