McCann, Eugene and Duffin, Tony (2021) Video: Pushing boundaries & crossing borders. Presentation on the campaign for a supervised injecting facility in Dublin, Ireland. In: The 5th European Harm Reduction Conference, 11 November 2021, Virtual.
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At 2pm on Thursday 11 November 2021, as part of the 5th European Harm Reduction Conference (#EHRC21), the ‘Parallel Session 6 – Drug Consumption Rooms: advocacy and the reality check‘ took place. During this session Eugene McCann prerecorded this presentation from his current base in Singapore and Tony Duffin joined the panel discussion in Prague. [12.27 minutes]
L Social psychology and related concepts > Physical context, location or place > Safe spaces (injecting facilities / centre / consumption rooms)
MP-MR Policy, planning, economics, work and social services > Policy > Policy on substance use > Harm reduction policy
T Demographic characteristics > Person who injects drugs (Intravenous / injecting)
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