Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2021) Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth statement of strategy 2021 - 2023. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
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The new Strategy takes account of various commitments in the Programme for Government for which our Department is responsible and priorities agreed with our Minister, Roderic O’ Gorman, T.D. It was developed on foot of input received from staff, other Government Departments and external stakeholders as part of a wide consultation process.
- Strategic Goal 1. We will develop, implement and influence evidence informed policies and legislation that improve the outcomes for those we serve.
- Strategic Goal 2. We will ensure the provision of a range of quality and sustainable services, underpinned by strategic investment, that meet the needs of individuals, families and communities.
- Strategic Goal 3. We will help those who are vulnerable, including children, young people and at risk individuals, to overcome adverse circumstances and to achieve their full potential.
- Strategic Goal 4. We will promote the development of a progressive, respectful and equal society, informed by the experiences of past generations and seek to respond to the needs of survivors.
- Strategic Goal 5. We will work in partnership with individuals, families, and communities across Government Departments, Public Bodies and Civil Society to achieve better outcomes.
- Strategic Goal 6. We will maintain high standards of performance and corporate governance with engaged, motivated and supported staff.
The Strategy is being published with two accompanying documents as follows:
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