Home > HSE Health Matters. The staff magazine of the Irish health service.

Health Service Executive. (2020) HSE Health Matters. The staff magazine of the Irish health service. Winter 2020 pp. 38-39. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

External website: https://issuu.com/ashvillemedia/docs/hse_health_ma...

P.38 Lets talk about: Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - Letterkenny University Hospital presented their pilot practice change initiative to support women who drink alcohol during pregnancy during the Health and Wellbeing Alcohol Programme’s webinar on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) awareness day in September. Midwives reported it helped raise awareness with pregnant women on the harmful effects of alcohol on the unborn child, and resulted in earlier intervention and appropriate referral...

P.39 Alcohol regulations - Did you know that for the first time alcohol is being regulated as a health issue by the HSE Environmental Health Service? This is under the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018......

What can you expect to see? There are a number of options for shops under the legislation and alcohol will be displayed for sale in three ways.....

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