Home > Submission to NightTime Economy Taskforce Consultation.

Alcohol Action Ireland. (2020) Submission to NightTime Economy Taskforce Consultation. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.

PDF (AAI Submission to NightTime Economy Taskforce Consultation)

Alcohol Action Ireland, the independent advocate for reducing alcohol harms, welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Night-time Economy Stakeholder ConsultationProcess.We appreciate the complexity of the taskinvolved with developing policy recommendations and practical measures for an emergent, vibrant and sustainable night-time culture and economy. We are pleased that government recognises the benefits forcitizens and visitors of a vibrant Night-time Economy(NTE) and hope that our contribution to the taskforce’s work will add a perspective that is equally important to the wellbeing of our citizens and visitors.......

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