Home > Interview skills training for service users in recovery oriented services. A best practice guide.

EVE. (2015) Interview skills training for service users in recovery oriented services. A best practice guide. Cork: Health Service Executive.

PDF (Interview skills training for service users in recovery oriented services.)

In this guide we share our experiences of successfully completing the first EVE interview Skills Training Programme for people who attend our services. This guide includes the experiences and feedback of all those involved in the interview skills’ programme. This guide gives you information so you can help the people who use your services to be represented, in a meaningful way, on interview panels for new staff. The guide outlines a tried and tested training process. It is not a training manual for the training facilitator / instructor. This guide shows how people who use your services can learn how to assess the merit of job candidates in an interview. This will make it more likely that you will hire the best person for the job. We hope that this guide will help you to involve your service users more when you are recruiting staff.

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