Home > Scotland: Guidance on contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19.

Scottish Drugs Forum, Sexual Health and BBV Prevention Leads Group. (2020) Scotland: Guidance on contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19. Edinburgh: Scottish Drugs Forum.

PDF (Guidance on contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19 - Version 2)
PDF (Guidance on contingency planning - Version 1 (see updated guidance)) - Supplemental Material

External website: http://www.sdf.org.uk/covid-19/guidance-for-servic...

This guidance has been developed to support those planning and designing services as well as those managing and delivering services for people who use drugs (PWUD), in particular those people on opioid substitution therapy (OST) and people who inject drugs. The aim is to ensure that essential treatment and harm reduction services for this vulnerable group of people can adapt to ensure high standard service delivery in the challenging circumstances of the pandemic. The guidance is designed to help services

• Maintain services that support and treat people who are affected by problem drug use

• Ensure that people using their service and others are supported to comply with Government guidance on social distancing, self-isolating and shielding.

To achieve this the guidance lays out examples of issues people planning and delivering services may face or are actually facing; suggestions for how these issues may be addressed with good practice examples from Scotland where these exist and some of the evidence base for suggested practice changes.

[Note: This publication may be updated periodically, the latest version is available through the SDF website link.

See also, the Drug and Alcohol Findings analysis for version 1 of this report]

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