Home > The sale and supply of alcoholic drinks at “special events” in Northern Ireland 2019 screening.

Northern Ireland. Department for Communities. (2019) The sale and supply of alcoholic drinks at “special events” in Northern Ireland 2019 screening. Belfast: Department for Communities.

PDF (The sale and supply of alcoholic drinks at “special events” in Northern Ireland 2019)

Section 75 policy screening form
p.1. Part 1: Policy scoping
The first stage of the screening process involves scoping the policy or policy area. The purpose of policy scoping is to help prepare the background and context and set out the aims and objectives for the policy being screened. At this stage, scoping the policy will help identify potential constraints as well as opportunities and will help the policy maker work through the screening process on a step by step basis. You should remember that the Section 75 statutory duties apply to internal policies (relating to people who work for the authority), as well as external policies (relating to those who are, or could be, served by the authority).

P.8. Part 2: Screening questions

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