Home > Estimating the prevalence of the ‘toxic trio’. Evidence from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey.

Chowdry, Haroon (2018) Estimating the prevalence of the ‘toxic trio’. Evidence from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. London: Children’s Commissioner for England. Vulnerability technical report 2.

PDF (Estimating the prevalence of the ‘toxic trio’)
PDF (“Are they shouting because of me?”)

This report contains new quantitative analysis by the Children’s Commissioner’s Office (CCO) on the potential numbers of children in England living in households where the ‘toxic trio’ of factors affecting adults may be present. The ‘toxic trio’ is the interaction of:

  • Domestic violence and abuse (DV&A) within the household
  • Parental substance misuse (alcohol or drugs)
  • Parental mental health issues

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