Home > Ireland’s Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. A critical discourse analysis of industry and public health perspectives on the Bill.

Calnan, Susan and Davoren, Martin P and Perry, Ivan J and O'Donovan, Orla (2018) Ireland’s Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. A critical discourse analysis of industry and public health perspectives on the Bill. Contemporary Drug Problems, 45, (2), pp. 107-126.

External website: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00914...

The proposal to introduce a Public Health (Alcohol) Bill marks a significant development in Ireland’s alcohol policymaking landscape. While the Bill has generated support from public health advocates, it has also raised considerable opposition, particularly from industry. This analysis aims to examine the debate around this Bill using the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis and applying Carol Bacchi’s What’s the Problem Represented To Be critical mode of analysis. A key objective is to analyze the current prevailing representations of alcohol and its regulation in Ireland but also to consider what they reveal about the underlying governing rationality in relation to alcohol regulation. In particular, it questions whether the Bill signals a shift in the official governing rationality regarding alcohol regulation. The analysis illustrates how alcohol is problematized in markedly different ways in the debates and how such debates are often underpinned by multifaceted elements. Despite such differences, it argues that there are still signs of a neoliberal rhetoric emerging within the public health discourses, raising a question over whether the Bill and its supporting discourses signal a paradigmatic shift or are more indicative of a policy embracing hybrid forms of rule.

Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, Open Access, Article
Drug Type
Intervention Type
Harm reduction, Policy
Page Range
pp. 107-126
Accession Number
HRB (Electronic Only)

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