Reid, Esther and McStay, Patricia (2018) Development of an alcohol liaison midwifery service in a health Trust in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Midwifery, 26, (3), pp. 158-163.
Background: Consumption of alcohol is integrated into the social fabric of UK society and the guidelines for drinking alcohol during pregnancy have only recently been updated in the UK to a zero approach. There is clear evidence that alcohol may have an impact on both the ongoing pregnancy and the developing fetus. Aim: To identify and support pregnant women with a history of alcohol misuse. Methods: In 2013, one health Trust in Northern Ireland received support from the Big Lottery Fund to set up an Alcohol Liaison Midwifery service. This article provides an overview of the effect of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the development of a new alcohol liaison midwifery service.
Findings: The aims of the service were achieved and due to the legacy from the educational programme some may be continued by midwives. Conclusion: The support required by the ongoing complex caseload of women with a history of alcohol misuse is dependent on a close working relationship between addiction and maternity services which requires a key central role to continue.
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