Cockayne, James and Walker, Summer (2015) What comes after the war on drugs – flexibility, fragmentation or principled pluralism? New York: United Nations University.
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Strengthening global drug policy at the 2016 United Nations general assembly special session on the World Drug Problem.
Throughout 2015, United Nations University (UNU) – a global think tank established by the UN General Assembly, and charged with contributing, through collaborative research, to collective efforts to resolve pressing global challenges – has been gathering stakeholders in a series of meetings at United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, aimed at “Identifying Common Ground” ahead of UNGASS 2016. These meetings have addressed the relationship between contemporary global drug policy and public health, human rights, development and criminal justice. These meetings have been attended by delegates from more than 50 UN Member States, as well as representatives of 16 UN entities and 55 civil society and academic organizations.
Drawing on these consultations, this Policy Report outlines how the global drug control system works, including recent trends; describes three major perspectives going into UNGASS 2016: Orthodoxy, Scepticism and Swing Voting; explores the likely outcome of UNGASS 2016; and makes recommendations for strengthening that outcome.
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