[thejournal.ie] Getting on the bus: Recovered addicts returning to help those still suffering. (04 Sep 2014)
External website: http://www.thejournal.ie/homelessness-ireland-home...
Those volunteering with the ‘No Bucks Café’ are an advertisement of hope for those using the service.
Around half of those volunteering have recovered from addiction using services that those operating the bus can help provide.
The café, which is operated by addiction service Tiglin, reaches out and offers support to the homeless community in Dublin.
During the week, TheJournal.ie went out to meet some of the people volunteering on the bus, and some of those dropping by to use the service.
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Social condition > Homelessness
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Social condition > Homelessness > Homeless services
T Demographic characteristics > Homeless person
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