[thejournal.ie] Prison body wants a dedicated strategy for Travellers leaving prisons. (20 May 2014)
External website: http://www.thejournal.ie/travellers-need-a-specifi...
The IPRT says in a new report, Travellers in the Irish Prison System: A qualitative study, that effective ethnic monitoring in prisons, a dedicated strategy for Travellers in the criminal justice system, and targeted reintegration supports are needed to support Traveller prisoners to escape the cycle of exclusion and offending behaviour.
The report finds that Travellers are disproportionately represented in the Irish prison system, a trend found in other countries with an indigenous minority ethnic population.
Underlying factors, the report says, include poverty; social and educational disadvantage; racial discrimination; literacy problems; mental health problems; and drug and alcohol dependency.
G Health and disease > Substance use disorder (addiction) > Drug use disorder
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Rehabilitation
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Sociocultural discrimination > Minority group (racial / ethnic group, immigrant, Traveller)
MM-MO Crime and law > Justice system > Correctional system and facility > Prison
T Demographic characteristics > Person in prison (prisoner)
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