OhAiseadha, Coilin and Killeen, M and Howell, Fenton and Saunders, Jean (2014) An audit of smoking prevalence and awareness of HSE smoking cessation services among HSE Staff. Irish Medical Journal, 107, (4),
External website: http://archive.imj.ie//ViewArticleDetails.aspx?Art...
This audit estimated smoking prevalence and awareness of quit services among Health Service Executive (HSE) staff. A questionnaire posted to a random sample of 1,064 staff received a 71% response rate. Staff smoking prevalence was 15.0% overall, and 4.4% among Medical/Dental staff. Front-line healthcare staff were less likely to smoke than other staff categories (adjusted OR 0.38, p<0.001). Only 63.6% of staff were aware of HSE quit services. Targeted interventions are required to help staff to quit smoking and to boost awareness of quit services.
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