Home > At home in prison? Women and the homelessness– incarceration nexus.

Mayock, Paula and Sheridan, Sarah (2013) At home in prison? Women and the homelessness– incarceration nexus. Irish Probation Journal, 10, pp. 118-140.

External website: http://www.probation.ie/EN/PB/WebPages/WP16000126

Research in Ireland and internationally has documented a strong association between homelessness and incarceration. Nonetheless, the dynamics of this relationship are poorly understood. Although research suggests that the experience of incarceration among the homeless may have gender-specific dimensions, women have been largely ignored in the literature, which has tended to focus on the male experience. This paper examines the incarceration experiences of a sub-sample of women who are participants in a larger biographical study of women’s homelessness in Ireland. It charts their paths to incarceration and explores women’s perspectives on prison as well as their experiences post release. Rather than a discrete life event, incarceration emerged as an extension of an institutional circuit that served to exacerbate their marginalisation and diminish their prospects of securing stable housing.

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