Home > Promoting the participation of seldom heard young people: a review of the literature on best practice principles.

Kelleher, Cathy and Seymour, Mairead and Halpenny, Ann Marie (2014) Promoting the participation of seldom heard young people: a review of the literature on best practice principles. Dublin: Centre for Social & Educational Research, Dublin Institute of Technology.

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1. Introduction p.1.
1.1 Background
1.2 Who participates?
1.3 Structure of the report

2. Methodology p.6.
2.1 Literature selection
2.2 Critical engagement and synthesis
2.3 Thematic structuring of the review
2.4 Research advisory group

3. Legislation and policy context p.9.
3.1 International context
3.2 European context
3.3 National context
3.4 Conclusion

4. Seldom heard young people p.24.
4.1 Who are ‘seldom heard’ young people?
4.2 Conclusion

5. Setting the context: the challenges and barriers to participation for seldom heard young people p.29.
5.1 Barriers and challenges to participation for seldom heard young people
5.2 Barriers and challenges to participation for seldom heard young people in school/student councils
5.3 Conclusion

6. Representing the perspectives of seldom heard young people in participation structures p35.
6.1 Improving seldom heard young people’s inclusion in participation structures
6.2 Conclusion

7. Improving participation experiences for seldom heard young people p.42.
7.1 Young people’s perspectives on meaningful participation
7.2 Levels of participation
7.3 Youth development versus youth involvement approaches
7.4 Methods of participation
7.5 Informal participation
7.6 The whole-systems approach
7.7 Outcomes from participation
7.8 Conclusion

8. Drawing key messages together p.53.
8.1 What do we mean by ‘seldom heard young people’?
8.2 Defining participation
8.3 Barriers and challenges to participation for seldom heard young people
8.4 Considerations for the development of more effective approaches to participation
9. References p.67

Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, Report, Review
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
General / Comprehensive, Prevention, Harm reduction
January 2014
75 p.
Centre for Social & Educational Research, Dublin Institute of Technology
Place of Publication
Accession Number
HRB (Electronic Only)

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