Home > Govt to set limit for minimum price for alcohol.

[RTE News] Govt to set limit for minimum price for alcohol. (24 Oct 2013)

External website: http://www.rte.ie/news/2013/1024/482456-alcohol/

The Government is to curb the advertising of alcohol and set minimum prices for drinks based on their alcohol content in a new Public Health Bill.

This is the first time alcohol has been addressed in such a bill. The measures were agreed by the Cabinet on Tuesday and published at Government Buildings this afternoon.

They will target cheap alcohol products relative to their alcohol content sold in off licences and supermarkets by minimum unit pricing.

Alcohol advertising on television will be restricted to evening hours from 2016.

Cinema advertising will be restricted to over-18 movies and there will be restrictions on outdoor advertising from 2018.

Other measures include labelling all alcoholic drink containers with health warnings and pregnancy advice, as well as alcohol and calorie content..........


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