[thejournal.ie] Guess how many students have signed up for UCC’s alcohol-free accommodation? (14 Sep 2013)
External website: http://www.thejournal.ie/ucc-alcohol-free-1082831-...
The plan generated huge publicity for UCC when it was announced last month: the Cork university would be giving students the option of living in alcohol free accommodation.
The college gave two main reasons for the move: to curb what had been described as “concerning” alcohol habits among the student population, and to make the campus more attractive to overseas students who may not be comfortable with the Irish drinking culture.
Those interested in taking up the option will be housed in general student accommodation blocks, with the individual apartments or houses designated ‘alcohol free’. No limit was set for the numbers, but the college said it was expecting a “good uptake”.
As the new term gets underway, UCC’s press department has confirmed the final numbers to TheJournal.ie: just three students are currently in “the final stages of signing up” — all citing the desire to “reside in an environment more conducive to study”.
The college says it had 25 initial queries from students who were “seriously interested”. Those who decided not to pursue it said there were “already committed to other accommodation by way of a lease; they had decided to take further time to consider the option at a later date or they had simply had a change of heart”.
According to UCC’s statement, it is “happy with the initial response”
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Cork
B Substances > Alcohol
A Substance use and dependence > Prevalence > Substance use behaviour > Alcohol consumption
T Demographic characteristics > Undergraduate or graduate college student
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